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Research Themes

Developmental Programming of Cardiac Disease by Hypoxia

Developmental Programming of Cardiac Disease by Hypoxia

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Extreme Cardiac Anoxia Tolerance in Turtles

Extreme Cardiac Anoxia Tolerance in Turtles

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Role of the Carotid Body in Heart Failure

Role of the Carotid Body in Heart Failure

Effects of IVF on Offspring Cardiovascular Health

Effects of IVF on Offspring Cardiovascular Health

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Mechanisms Permitting Cardiac Longevity in Greenland Sharks

Mechanisms Permitting Cardiac Longevity in Greenland Sharks

As the oldest living vertebrate, the Greenland shark is of great interest to researchers studying aging and specifically cardiac health as cardiovascular conditions are the leading cause of death internationally.

Developmental Programming of Cardiac Arrhythmia

Developmental Programming of Cardiac Arrhythmia

A lack of oxygen during fetal development can increase cardiac arrhythmia susceptibility in adulthood

Effects of Diabetic Pregnancy on Offspring Cardiovascular Health

Effects of Diabetic Pregnancy on Offspring Cardiovascular Health

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